網上校管系統 WebSAMS

Important Upgrade of SSL Certificate in WebSAMS HTTP Server NEW!

Due to security reason, the SSL certificate currently being used in WebSAMS HTTP Server will no longer be supported after 31 December 2016.

In connection with this, all WebSAMS schools should arrange to upgrade their SSL certificate in WebSAMS HTTP Server not later than 31 December 2016. Schools yet to complete upgrading their SSL certificate by the above deadline may no longer be able to connect to WebSAMS via the school intranet or internet except using WebSAMS network.

加入 「HKACE TTL  and  WebSAMS WhatsApp」 群組 

各位同工如有興趣加入「HKACE TTL and WebSAMS WhatsApp」 群組,請連學校名稱、姓名及電話號碼,電郵至 cwyu@hkace.org.hk

Warm Reminder to Schools 

1. Check the customized Crystal Report Templates early before your school assessments if you are using WebSAMS ASR. 

2. A separated financial account for WebSAMS upgrading 2014 should be kept in your school financial year 2015/2016.