Girls STEAM 計劃

Girls STEAM 計劃 (2023-24)  

教育局一直推動學校發展 STEM教育,並在已有的基礎上,進一步將之優化為 STEAM 教育。本會為鼓勵女生了解藝術與科學、科技、工程及數學學科的關係,舉辦Girls STEAM計劃,讓中學女生可以透過參與不同類型與STEAM、科技相關的工作坊、活動及比賽,學習創新的STEAM及科技知識。本計劃同時希望透過活動吸引更多女生了解及選擇與工程及電腦相關的學科,並確立她們的升學就業目標。計劃詳情如下:

日期:  2023年11月至2024年8月

對象: 中一至中五女生

費用: 每所學校400元


截止日期: 2023年10月20日(星期五)

參加人數: 每所學校推薦最多三十位學生參加(學生報名表格將於確認學校申請後發放) 

活動: 本會會與不同組織舉辦不同形式的參觀、工作坊、比賽及工作影子活動。

獎狀: 完成三次活動的學生將獲發證書以作獎勵。

備註: 參與學校必須為本會的學校會員。

參與學校必需派最少一名老師代表出教師席簡介會, 詳情如下。

日期:2023年10月28日 (星期六)

時間:09:00 – 11:45  


對象 :  教師

內容 : 1.本年度活動簡介

          2.參觀STEAM LAB 或 聲波測距器工作坊   


STEM 4 Girls Mentorship Programme - Schedule

HKACE網頁Girls Stem活動表格

HKACE Girls STEAM 2324簡介會

日 期: 2023 年 10 月 28 日 (星期六) 

時 間: 09:00 – 11:45 

地 點: 九龍何文田忠孝街 81 號香港都會大學賽馬會校園 E 座 3 樓 E0313 室 

對 象 :  教師 


時間程序 :  

8:45 – 9:00      老師登記 

9:00 – 9:10      歡迎辭及計劃簡介  

9:10 – 9:20      Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) 合作計劃 

9:20 – 9:30       Caprikon Education 合作計劃 

9:30 – 9:40       Jennifer Yu Cheng Girls Impact Foundation (JYC)合作計劃

9:40 – 9:50       PREFACE 合作計劃

9:50 – 10:00     VTC 合作計劃

10:00 – 10:10   HKIG  合作計劃

10:10 – 10:20   ASL 合作計劃

10:20 – 10:30   Polyu - SoInno Design Education 合作計劃

10:30 – 10:40   PyCon HK 2023 合作計劃

10:40 – 10:50   都會大學合作計劃 

10:50 – 11:00    大合照

11:00 – 11:30    參觀STEAM LAB 或 聲波測距器工作坊

11:30 – 11:45    攤位參觀

HKACE Stem4Girls協辦活動: Highest 5G STEM Classroom, Career exposure and STEM online workshops

SmarTone and Caprikon Education:Highest 5G STEM Classroom in Hong Kong

With the aim of cultivating young people’s interest in innovative technology, SmarTone and Caprikon Education jointly presents the first “Highest 5G STEM Classroom in Hong Kong”, which comprises of a guided tour to the SmarTone 5G Lab @ Sky 100 and a STEM taster class. Students will be presented with different 5G applications in daily life, commercial and industrial spaces that demonstrate the distinct qualities of 5G network, namely low-latency, high speed and mass connectivity.

After the guided tour, students will participate in a 1-hour STEM taster class, during which they will be guided to create an interactive “Pizza-shop chatbot” with the basic functions of Google Dialogflow. Students are also encouraged to explore the advanced functions and create their own chatbot in the future.

Event Details:

Date:2021/11/13 (Sat)

Venue: 5G LAB@Sky 100 

(Meet-up point:Sky100 Entrance, 2/F, Metal Zone, Elements)

Time:10:00am - 12:15pm

Target:S4-S6 girls

Medium:  Cantonese

Quota:60 (First come first serve)

Remarks:Students will have to bring along a laptop/iPad with Chrome installed and voice input function enabled for participating in the STEM taster class.

HKACE Stem4Girls 協辦活動: HKMU - Online STEM Workshops for junior form students

(i) Making of VR glasses (1.5 hours) 

Students will learn about the refraction of light by convex lenses, binocular vision and depth perception, and the applications of virtual reality (VR). Template of the VR glasses will be provided to students before the online workshop. The workshop will lead students to make VR glasses. After assembling the VR glasses, the workshop will refer some ready-made VR videos (HKMU 360 lab tour) to students for trial.

Event Details:

Date: 2021/11/23 (Tue)

Time: 16:00 - 17:30

Venue: Zoom (link will be provided through confirmation email)

Target:  S2-S4 girls

Medium:  Cantonese

Quota: 60 (First come first serve)

(ii) Making disinfectant hand gel (1.5 hours)

Students will learn about prokaryotic cells (bacterial cells as an example) and know how bacteria as well as virus can be eliminated by alcohol. They will also make their disinfectant hand gel using alcohol as the major ingredient. There will be a demonstration about the test on the disinfectant ability of the hand gel (bacterial culturing, followed by Gram staining and bacterial cell counting).

Event Details:

Date: 2021/11/25 (Thur)

Time: 16:00 - 17:30

Venue: Zoom (link will be provided through confirmation email)

Target:  S2-S4 girls

Medium:  Cantonese

Quota: 60 (First come first serve)

Application link:

Application Deadline:2021/11/15 (Mon)

*Confirmation Email will be sent after the deadline.

HKACE Stem4Girls辦活動: UBS - Career exposure event for high school students

UBS - Career exposure event for high school students:

With the aim of cultivating young people’s interest in investment banking, UBS presents an international career exposure event for high school students. Students will have an opportunity to hear first hand from investment banking, wealth management and asset management practitioners from all over Asia-Pacific. 


UBS team will also resolve some doubts about the industry in this event – Do I have to take Economics major in order to get into the banking industry? Do people in the industry earn money from speculation? What is the difference between professional investors and stock analysts on tv and radio? how does COVID-19 reshape the working environment and working routine? Students from Science and Engineering background are welcome to join!  

Event Details:

Date: 2021/11/26 (Fri)

Time: 16:00 - 18:00

Venue: Zoom (link will be provided through confirmation email)

Target:  S2-S5 girls

Medium:  English

Quota: 35 (First come first serve)

Application link:

Application Deadline:2021/11/15 (Mon)

*Confirmation Email will be sent after the deadline.

HKACE Stem4Girls合辦活動: Girls Stem Mentorship Programme Kickoff Ceremony

Organizer & Co-organizer: The Institution of Engineering and Technology(IET), The Hong Kong Association for Computer Education(HKACE)

Date: 4th December 2021 (Saturday) 

Time: 10:00am - 12:00nn

Venue: Online (Zoom)

Details of activity:

1. Opening & Welcoming Speech

2. Introduction of Mentors and Grouping

3. Sharing by Mentors

4. Breakout Discussion on Women in Engineering 

Target Audiences: S2- S5 Girls

Quota: 80

Max participants for each schools: 6

Language: Cantonese

Application link:

 Application Deadline:19th November 2021 23:59

HKACE Stem4Girls合辦活動: HKMU STEM Workshop on Water Quality Testing (face-to-face)

Date: 2021/12/18 (Sat)

Time: 9:30 – 12:00

Venue: Room D1010, Block D, Jockey Club Campus, 

Hong Kong Metropolitan University, 

81 Chung Hau Street, Homantin, Kowloon

Target:  S4-S5 girls

Medium:  Cantonese

Quota: 30 (First come first serve)

Application Link:

Application Deadline: 3/12/2021

The workshop will let students learn the basic knowledge and techniques of water quality assessment. Some essential water quality testing equipment will be shown to students. Students will also conduct microscopic examinations of water samples.




2020-08-06(明報OpenSchool):【STEM女生何處尋(一)】一群數理男老師從會考年代的「沙漠」說起 男女差異不在於學習能力

2020-08-19(Microsoft GirlSpark Infinite 2020): 本會與Microsoft合辦GirlSpark Infinite 2020計劃以推動更多女生參與ICT及STEM的活動